You can also view the complete list of upcoming activities and the monthly calendar.
Youth Group
Youth Group – Middle School & High School Wednesday nights from 6:30 – 8:15 pm Bible Study Contact Pastor Doug Link for more information.
Membership Matters
Membership Matters If you are interested in learning more about our beliefs and church life or considering becoming a member, this Membership Matters class is for you. We will cover topics including: the gospel that unites us, what we believe (Statement of Faith), Christian living (Member Commitments), and how we can serve in the church. signup here If you are planning to attend or if would like more information please email [email protected].
Sunday School
Combined Adult Sunday School Class in the Fellowship Hall for all adults.
Youth Sunday School
Youth Sunday School From 9:30 – 10:15 am at 425 McDaniel. Contact Pastor Doug Link for more information.
Sun Mar 9, 2025
Sunday Evening Prayer
Prayer Meeting 5 pmJoin us for a prayer meeting. Childcare and Kid’s Club will meet. Please submit prayer requests to [email protected] by Sunday at 3pm for them to be included in the weekly prayer email.
Fall Picnic
Grace Church of Tallahassee will hold its annual Fall Picnic on Sunday, October 27th. You are encouraged to invite friends and neighbors to join the fun. This always proves to be a great time of fellowship with our church family. Fall Picnic – Sunday, October 27 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.