Sermons by Charlie Greenwell

Sermons by Charlie Greenwell

Walk as Citizens of Heaven

Pastor Charlie Greenwell teaches from Philippians 3 and reminds us that we must “press on toward the goal” and conform our walk to be worthy of our citizenship in Heaven.

Q & A – June 2024

The Elders answer questions submitted by Grace Church members and attenders prior to this session. Pastor Ben Khazraee moderates and all four elders answer questions selected for them. Questions: Note: The downloaded MP3 (click on Save above) has chapter markers that some players support. If you’re using the embedded player on this page, you can scroll to the desired time marker (annotated in the questions above) after you start playback.

Q & A

The Elders answer questions submitted by Grace Church members and attenders prior to this session. Pastor Ben Khazraee moderates and all four elders answer questions selected for them. Questions:

Godly Wisdom vs. Worldly Wisdom

James 3:13-18 There are many examples in the Bible of those who ask God for wisdom and this is something that we can pray for in our own lives. Pastor Charlie Greenwell answers the question, “How do we know that we have received Godly wisdom when it comes and not our own worldly wisdom?”

A Walk Through Psalm 25

Psalm 25 ~ As redeemed sinners struggling to live in a sinful world, we may look to ourselves or others for our hope. Pastor Charlie Greenwell takes us on a walk through Psalm 25 and points out the many promises and the wonderful hope found in trusting in and waiting on the Lord.

No Eclipse of the Son

Psalm 2 – When the rare phenomenon causes the moon to eclipse the sun, we are momentarily cast into darkness during a time when we should be in the light. Charlie Greenwell encourages us to fix our eyes upon Jesus, avoiding those things that would eclipse our view the Son.