Sermons on Forgiveness
From the Depths of Guilt to the Heights of Grace: The Assurance of Forgiveness
Psalm 130 How foolish we are when we don’t recognize when we are in need of forgiveness! Pastor Ben Khazraee explores Psalm 130 to discover our desperate need and the source of plentiful redemption.
For We Ourselves Also Forgive
Luke 11:1-4 – In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught us to ask for forgiveness from God but that request came with an addendum. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches about our obligation to forgive others.
Forgive Us Our Sins
Luke 11:1-4 – In the 32nd Psalm, God’s Word proclaims, “Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” Pastor Rod Bunton teaches why forgiveness of sin is our most basic need for our spiritual existence.