Sermons from October 2021

Sermons from October 2021

Scriptures are the Authority

1 Corinthians 14:33b-40 In keeping with his focus on orderly worship, Paul addressed an issue with women speaking in the church service. Pastor Rod Bunton explores this highly controversial topic, particularly in our modern culture, and reminds us that the only true authority is the word of God and it commands the roles that we take in worship and in our daily lives.

Mature Understanding of Tongues

1 Corinthians 14:20-33 One of the problems affecting the Corinthian church was chaos during worship. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that Paul addressed this as a maturity issue regarding both tongues and the worship service in general.

Intelligibility of the Gift of Tongues

1 Corinthians 14:1-19 Paul continues to correct the behavior of the Corinthian church and turns to the gift of tongues which was being misused. Pastor Rod Bunton gives us a straightforward understanding about this issue that centers on the intelligibility of the one speaking in tongues.

Praise: Our Eternal Occupation

Psalm 146 We all know that God’s word calls us to praise him. Pastor Doug Link opens Psalm 146 to help us understand why the LORD alone is worthy and why it should be something that we should resolve to do every day of our lives.

Love Never Fails

1 Corinthians 13:8-13 Paul concludes Chapter 13 by pointing out that the sign gifts of prophecies, tongues, and knowledge will pass away. Pastor Rod Bunton echoes the conclusion that unlike those gifts and even faith and hope, love will never pass away.