Sermon Archive (Page 27)

Sermon Archive (Page 27)

Sermons preached at Grace Church. The most recent sermons are listed first. You can also find a sermon by topic, series, books of the Bible, speaker, or by date.

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The Perfect Audience

Luke 2:7-11 After the birth of Jesus, an angel of the Lord appeared to shepherds out in the fields. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches why this was the perfect audience to hear the announcement of the birth of the savior.

The Most Important Event

Luke 2:1-7 The first seven verses in Luke Chapter 2 describe a remarkably ordinary event: the birth of a child in Bethlehem. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that this birth had to happen just right because it was, in reality, the most important event, ever.

Sanctification, Part 7

1 Corinthians 9:24–27 The apostle Paul compared our journey of growth in sanctification to an athletic contest where the competition is our own fleshly nature and the prize is much greater than what man can bestow. Pastor Rod Bunton encourages us from scripture to embrace righteousness and exercise self-control as he concludes his in-depth examination of the doctrine of Sanctification, another work of the Holy Spirit.

Sanctification, Part 6

Growth in our sanctification requires both changing our behavior regarding sin and also living our lives in Christ. Pastor Rod Bunton continues giving us practical ways to accomplish these things in his examination of the doctrine of Sanctification, another work of the Holy Spirit.

Sanctification, Part 5

Romans 6 Knowing that we are dead to sin and that we should live as if we are alive to God through Christ is great, but how do we do this, practically? Pastor Rod Bunton continues in Romans Chapter 6 and a careful examination of the doctrine of Sanctification, another work of the Holy Spirit.

Sanctification, Part 4

Romans 6 Being dead to sin, no longer a slave to it, also comes with something wonderful: life in Christ. Pastor Rod Bunton continues in Romans Chapter 6 and a careful examination of the doctrine of Sanctification, another work of the Holy Spirit.

Sanctification, Part 3

Romans 6 One of the benefits of justification is that we are no longer slaves to sin, which has an important influence on our sanctification. Pastor Rod Bunton dives into Romans Chapter 6 as he continues a careful examination of the doctrine of Sanctification, another work of the Holy Spirit.

Sanctification, Part 2

In order to best understand Sanctification, it is useful to understand what it is not. Pastor Rod Bunton continues a careful examination of the doctrine of Sanctification, another work of the Holy Spirit.

Sanctification, Part 1

If you are a believer, justified once for all in God’s righteousness, what is your obligation while on earth, awaiting the day when you are called to glory in Heaven? This week, Pastor Rod Bunton begins a careful examination of the doctrine of Sanctification, another work of the Holy Spirit.


How do you know that regeneration has happened to you? Can we even be confident about it? Pastor Rod Bunton looks at another work of the Holy Spirit: the doctrine of assurance of salvation. A video of this sermon is not available.


Regeneration is what makes us a Christian, not a confession of faith or anything else that we can do. Pastor Rod Bunton examines the Holy Spirit’s role in the important doctrine that Jesus called being “born again.”

Trust in the Lord

Proverbs 3:5-6 One of the most familiar proverbs exhorts us to trust fully in the Lord and not our own wisdom. Pastor Doug Link examines Proverbs 3:5-6 more deeply and encourages us to truly trust in the Lord.